Permit Applications Through DOB NOW

DOB NOW is an interactive, web-based portal that enables property owners, design professionals, filing representatives, and licensees to do all business with DOB online. One of the benefits of filing online is that you can file from your computer and do not have to come to DOB.

Click a topic, or press the enter key on a topic, to reveal its answer.

Step 1: Register for eFiling

All stakeholders associated to the filing must register for eFiling before logging into DOB NOW: Build. Once registered, use your eFiling login information to log into DOB NOW: Build.

Step 2: Login to DOB NOW: Build to Initiate a Job Filing

Enter the job filing information. Afterwards the system will generate a job filing number.

Step 3: Upload Required Documents

Upload a PDF of the plan sets and the DPL1 document.

*Note: The system will determine if additional documents are required based on the job filing information that was entered.*

Step 4: Obtain Attestation

Applicant (PE/RA), property owners and other stakeholders must electronically sign the job filing.

Step 5: Submit payment

Online payments can be made using a credit card, debit card or e-check.

*Note: Anyone associated to a job filing can submit a payment.*

Step 6: Preview Submission

Applicant must review the filing and provide a final electronic signature.

Step 7: Submit Job Filing

Applicant officially submits the job filing to the Department electronically.

Step 8: Job Filing Review and Approval

Step 9: Enter and Submit Permit Request

Step 10: Permit Review and Approval

Step 11: Print Permit

Associated stakeholders can log into DOB NOW: Build to print the permit.

*Note: Anyone can print a copy of the permit on the Industry Portal.*

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