Percent Error Worksheets

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help grade 7 students learn how to solve percent error problems.

How to solve percent error problems?

Understanding Percent Error:

Percent error represents the difference between an estimated value and the actual value, expressed as a percentage of the actual value.
It indicates how close your estimate or measurement is to the true value.

The formula for percent error (% Error) is:
% Error = |(Estimated Value - Actual Value) / Actual Value| x 100%

  1. Identify Values:
    Look for the estimated value and the actual value mentioned in the problem.
  2. Calculate the Absolute Difference:
    Find the absolute value of the difference between the estimated value and the actual value.
  3. Divide the absolute difference you calculated in step 2 by the actual value.
  4. Multiply the result from step 3 by 100% to express the error as a percentage.

Make sure to use the absolute value of the difference.
Pay attention to units (meters, grams, etc.) in the problem and ensure they are consistent throughout your calculations.
Label your answer as a percentage error (e.g., 10% error).

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Percent Error Worksheet

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