Business Ethics: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases
Business Ethics: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce.
Business Ethics is the ability to learn what is right and wrong in the world of business and choosing to do what is right at all times.
Business Ethics: Exceeds Expectations Phrases
- Places major importance on treating everyone fairly and assists others in understanding fairness
- Makes significant contributions towards making changes in policies to eliminate unfair elements
- Takes immediate action to resolve inequitable situations and considers fairness while making decisions
- Listens carefully to the concerns of others regarding fairness and takes remedial actions where necessary
- Always trustworthy, widely respected for being honest, and is regarded as credible by everyone
- Communicates expectations and standards clearly regarding equal treatment of everyone
- Signs off projects only when they are fully complete and reliable
- Digs in to find the right answers to complex questions and never bluffs
- Regarded as the person to go to for honest opinions and answers
- Possesses a great deal of intellectual understanding on legal guidelines pertaining equitable treatment
Business Ethics: Meets Expectations Phrases
- Ascertains that other people are treated fairly and takes action to counsel those who take part in unfair behaviors
- Shows willingness to obtain further training focused on the importance of equity and fairness
- Coaches others on the role and importance of honesty, fairness, and integrity
- Observes expectations, values, and standards regarding honesty, fairness, and integrity
- Pays attention to rules and regulations and does not require constant supervision
- Makes some effort to contribute towards changes in policies to eliminate unfair elements
- Corrects past unfair behaviors as advised and never repeats them in future
- Considers fairness and equality when implementing new activities and programs
- Avoids straying from the truth and gives credit where due
- Frequently uses honest data, figures, and facts to support conclusions
Business Ethics: Needs Improvement Phrases
- Treats others unfairly and plays favorites, which often leads to formal complaints
- Demonstrates an unresponsive attitude towards the concerns of others regarding inequality and unfair treatment
- Rarely takes part in making changes in policies to eliminate unfair elements
- Hardly pays attention to rules and regulations and requires constant supervision
- Signs off projects that are not fully complete and takes integrity lightly
- Frequently uses dishonest data, figures, and facts to support conclusions
- Strays from the truth and does not give credit where due
- Does not consider fairness and equality when implementing activities and programs
- Does not show willingness to obtain further training focused on the importance of equity and fairness
- Rarely trustworthy, hardly respected for being honest, and is not regarded as credible
Business Ethics: Self Evaluation Questions
- Can you think of a situation where you found yourself straying from the truth and how did you avoid straying?
- What are your views on fairness, equality, respect, integrity and honesty?
- What are some of the contributions you have made in making changes in policies to eliminate unfair elements?
- How do you avoid temptations to use dishonest data, figures, and facts to support conclusions?
- What are some of the things you have done to assist others in understanding the importance of honesty and integrity?
- What have you done to enhance your knowledge and understanding about fairness, equality, respect, integrity and honesty?
- What efforts have you made to enhance your intellectual understanding of legal guidelines pertaining equitable treatment?
- Have you ever participated in forums that discuss the role and importance of integrity and honesty?
- Were there any times where you got awarded for displaying consistent honesty and integrity?
- Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to question someone's integrity?
Details EMPLOYEEPEDIA 31 July 2017