Code to fetch data from oracle to excel and send the data which has same cell name to different sheets in excel

Following is the VB code to fetch data from oracle database to excel. The COLLABNAME tab from table TABLE_NAME has 20 different collaboration names and I want to send the data corresponding to each collaboration to a different sheet starting from sheet1 Currently I am planning to write the same code 20 times and fetch data to different sheets and the code is shown below CURRENT CODE:

 Sub Load_data() Sheets("Sheet1").Select Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim col As Integer Dim row As Integer Dim Query As String Dim mtxData As Variant Set cn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cn.Open ( _ "User & _ ";Password=PASSWORD" & _ ";Data" & _ ";Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle") rs.Open "select COLLABNAME,DATETIME,TOTALFLOWS from TABLE_NAME WHERE to_date(DATETIME, 'DDMMYYYY HH24:MI') BETWEEN case when to_char(sysdate, 'dd') > 7 then trunc(sysdate-7) else trunc(sysdate,'mm') end AND trunc(sysdate) AND COLLABNAME like 'COLLABNAME1' ORDER BY DATETIME ASC", cn With Sheet1 col = 0 'First Row: names of columns Do While col < rs.Fields.Count .Cells(1, col + 1) = rs.Fields(col).Name col = col + 1 Loop mtxData = Application.Transpose(rs.GetRows) .Range("A2").Resize(UBound(mtxData, 1) - LBound(mtxData, 1) + 1, UBound(mtxData, 2) - LBound(mtxData, 2) + 1) = mtxData End With rs.Close rs.Open "select COLLABNAME,DATETIME,TOTALFLOWS from TABLE_NAME WHERE to_date(DATETIME, 'DDMMYYYY HH24:MI') BETWEEN case when to_char(sysdate, 'dd') >7 then trunc(sysdate-7) else trunc(sysdate,'mm') end AND trunc(sysdate) AND COLLABNAME like 'COLLABNAME2' ORDER BY DATETIME ASC", cn With Sheet2 col = 0 'First Row: names of columns Do While col < rs.Fields.Count .Cells(1, col + 1) = rs.Fields(col).Name col = col + 1 Loop mtxData = Application.Transpose(rs.GetRows) .Range("A2").Resize(UBound(mtxData, 1) - LBound(mtxData, 1) + 1, UBound(mtxData, 2) - LBound(mtxData, 2) + 1) = mtxData End With rs.Close End Sub 

I just kept the code for only two COLLABNAMES I want to add a loop which contains COLLABNAME1, COLLABNAME2, COLLABNAME3, COLLABNAME4 . COLLABNAME20 so that the data that is fetched to 20 different sheets from the table TABLE_NAME which decreases the code length and be more elegant Thanks in advance