The consumer credit reporting system in this country is set up to “convict” consumers without any messy, expensive or inconvenient due process. A bank or a credit card company or a debt collector simply notifies one of the three major consumer credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax or TransUnion) that a consumer owes a debt, and, unless that record is corrected, that consumer is deemed to owe that debt in the eyes of any and all creditors who access the consumer’s credit report. The negative credit report (called a “derogatory” in the industry) will stay on the consumer’s credit report for seven years, in the case of a report of a late payment, a default or a charge-off. For a tax lien, judgment or a bankruptcy, the derogatory remains on the consumer’s credit report for 10 years.
If you have a valid derogatory on your credit report, obviously you need to make arrangements to pay it and bring it current. The following steps are intended for those times when you have false or inaccurate information on your credit report. Under federal and state law, credit bureaus and creditors are obligated to remove false or inaccurate information on your credit report upon receiving notification. Remember that, under federal law, you need to dispute with the credit bureaus, not just with the creditor or creditors (banks, debt collectors, etc.) Always send dispute letters both to the credit bureaus and to any involved creditors.
Here are the steps to take to have false or inaccurate information removed:
My firm specializes in these cases and we have a track record of excellent results with very satisfied clients. We serve clients in Southern California, or who have had their credit damaged in Southern California. If you live elsewhere, go to for a referral to a credit damage specialist attorney in your state. For those no longer with us, you can learn how to notify credit bureaus of death here.
Copyright © 2015 by Robert F. Brennan, Esq. All rights reserved.